+ 34 697 779 505

Implantology Experience

implantology banner Implantology Experience

Clinical Residency in Implantology and Basic Oral Surgery

Courses and clinical residency of implantology with patients where you can learn the basic techniques, start to Implantology or strengthen key concepts and skills in Implant Surgery.

Training combined with basic techniques of Oral Surgery. Unitary Implants and All On four with Patients.

Plan the case, design the incision process and perform drilling, implant placement and suturing. Perform basic regeneration techniques combined with the installation of the Implants.

Treatment Plan analyzed and decided together with the Professor with the best options and prosthetic solutions according to the case of each patient.

In all surgery you will be supervised by the teaching team that will guide and help you in each session. Each trainee will place a high number of Implants. Clinical courses of 1 week Duration and personalized clinical stays of 2 to 4 weeks. 

Implantes, maxilofacial, estética, regeneración